Author: joelabreo227

  • I would love for everyone I care about to be on Twitter. But that is not remotely close to being true. Facebook makes me sick in the stomach. Instagram…I actually really like. It just has a way of encouraging people to showcase their own personal brand of creativity, that I find really attractive. Plus, it…

  • Ghost by RoadGods mini review

    Ghost by RoadGods mini review

    An excellent bag for someone who needs to open/close the bag only a couple of times a day on average — like an office worker who travels to work on their bike.

  • An Eventful Triduum

    An Eventful Triduum

    After a season of fasting, abstinence and other general self-denial, the Easter weekend came like a sunrise 🌄

  • Newsletter July + August 2018

    I have thalassophobia 🦑

  • Newsletter June 2018

    Newsletter June 2018

    What I’ve been up to this past month.

  • Travel log: Sri Lanka

    Travel log: Sri Lanka

    I wrote this immediately after my trip to Sri Lanka in September of 2017 as a way for me to archive my experiences and maybe help out some Internet-savvy traveller.

  • Noob movie review

    Noob movie review

    The Greatest Showman and Star Wars: The Last Jedi could not be further apart.

  • I quit my job

    I quit my job

    Up next: Search, contemplate and adventure ✨

  • These are my goals for the following month. No, these are not my new years’ resolutions.

  • WhatsApp Stories

    Sometimes you find inspiration. Sometimes inspiration finds you.